Saturday, August 27, 2011

Seven Army Values

I am an Army Wife. I have spent the past 19 years loving a man who wears ACU's and Army Boots. I have spent 19 years giving encouragement and being a sounding board to a man that lives the 7 Army values. I know my Soldier and I know his values and his motivations, I know how he feels about the men and women that he leads...his Soldiers. I know what he expects out of them. I know he wants to give the Army and America... Soldiers who will be leaders, who will lead by example, who have good judgment and will work their tails off when no one is looking, Soldiers that live and breath the 7 Army values.
Selfless Service
personal Courage
If you can learn to live by those values you will be a leader that we can be proud of.

Friday, August 26, 2011


It's TGIF people! And my husband is off today, yep a three day weekend. Three days of finding fun family stuff to do...but not for us. We don't have the money for him to come home this weekend, so it's just gonna be another weekend without him home. Another weekend of no fab family memories to make, another weekend with the phone in place of my husband. These are the not so wonderful times, the lonely times, the bored out of my mind times. But I'll just Army Wife UP and take it one minute, one day, one night at a time like I always do.

But before we get all sad and crying in our soup let me just ask you a favor. Have fun with your spouse this weekend. Go make some fabulous memories with your family. Instead of being angry that they're in your way, rejoice and be glad in it! Tell them you love them and give out plenty of hugs and kisses and have I told you how sexy you are latelys. Just please don't waste your weekend on fighting and hating! OKAY!!!!

Next weekend will be our weekend...and I can promise you this, I'm gonna let him know how much he's loved and missed and we're gonna make some Fab family memories.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

We need some orbit gum over here pronto!

AHHHHH! I hate, loath, absolutely without a doubt detest certain cuss words! Now don't get me wrong I am by no means a saint nor a prudish kind of girl (just one look into my head would make one certain of that fact) and if I'm made angry enough I can let them fly with the best of you. But with that being said there are some dirty of the dirty words that make me feel unclean upon hearing or seeing them in written form.

And they seem to run rampant with no constraints these days. They can be found being slung around in restaurants, in schools, at games on social networking sites and it doesn't even seem to care if a lady or a child is present, not these days because no one seems to care any more.

Now what I like to call the little cuss words don't bother me, it's just those big nasty vulgar ones and I wish people would look around them and see what company they are in or think about who may be reading their written words before slinging them around like they just don't care.

Monday, August 22, 2011


OK so I was watching that infamous television show "BRIDEZILLAS" last night and I spent the whole time wondering what has happened to Women....and why aren't the men running for their lives?
These women on this show are beyond vulgar, they would put a Sailor to shame with their lewdness and crassness. And why aren't there Grooms running for the hills? Do they think this is going to get better? I just want to scream at the T.V and ask these men is this who you want raising your children? Is this the kind of women who is going to bring honor to you and your family? Is this the kind of women who is going to guard and protect your heart?
 I know your reading this and thinking I'm old fashioned, and that is okay cause the older I get the more I think I get it. It really is okay to be respectful and have values. Women it is okay to be feminine. Women it is a good thing to show your husband that he is respected and honored, it doesn't make him more superior then you, but it does make you more valuable to him and to your family.
I often find myself looking at other wives and I'm thinking one of two things, either that man is very blessed to have this women in his life or I feel sorry for him for having to deal with a wife like that. And you know if I'm thinking it I'm probably not alone.
   I wish I knew why women seem to act more harsh these days and I'm guilty as well, but I wish we would realize that it is beautiful to be a women, that being more gentle in our speech and conduct  does not mean we are weak. That honoring our husbands does not mean we are less then them but that we are equals  and that we will be there to guard their hearts and help them walk through this life as a helper and a blessing.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Deployed? No, But It Feels Like It

Today my husband left to go back to Ky. and left me wondering when is our life going to be normal again?
It has literally been years since I have felt like things are normal. Deployed? No, but it sure does feel like it.

Before he got stationed at Ft. Campbell he was a Senior Drill Instructor at Ft. Benning and let me just tell you a Drill Sergeant is never ever home unless there's no Joe's to train and there's always Joe's to train. He worked seven days a week from 3:00 a.m till he got home at 10:00 p.m and sometimes not at all depending on the training phase, but at least we got to live together.

Then came a promotion and a new duty station...He left I didn't follow. Why? Because we thought he was going to retire so we bought a house, we have two kids in high school that he wanted to stabilize for their last few years of school and too many pets. So off he went and here I stayed and six months later he was deployed to Afghanistan.

The deployment was hard, it was lonely and on occasion it was down right terrifying, but now he's back and everyone that was deployed is back with their families readjusting to life, getting on with life but here we are still apart and nine more months to still feels like a deployment to's still hard, it's still lonely and I'm still wondering how I'm going to do it without screaming TIME OUT I'VE HAD ENOUGH!!!

No, it's not deployment but it sure still feels like it.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Wasn't there a house here?

OH MY GOSH!!!! We got home at 5 this morning and I was scared to get out of the car....I kid you not!!!
There could have been all sorts of creatures lurking to ambush us on the way to the front door the grass was that high! I think the only way we even made it to the front door was because the 18 yr old son that we left in charge of the place left a light on and then was kind enough to come out to help lead us through the jungle that was once my yard. And did you know my house use to have a front porch? Well technically it's still there but it's been invaded and conquered by wild morning glory's, and as I found out this morning my back porch didn't fare any better. We won't discuss the condition of the inside of the house. But let it be said I got lots and lots to do. At this very moment Top is outside waging an epic battle between us and mother nature...I hope we win.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Ok not sure how all this blog stuff works or even if i'll like it, but I felt inspired by a fellow blogger so I thought why not.
 Today my husband is taking me back home....sigh....yep he's stationed in KY and we have a home in Alabama. The living apart really stinks. He just got back from deployment to Afghanistan in April and me and  our two girls spent the summer up here in Kentucky, it was fun but I got used to living with him again and now i've gotta get used to living without him again...for at least nine more months.
  But at the moment i'm sitting in his home away from home home waiting for him to get here so we can pack up and carry on. He was supposed to be here already. They had a Change of Command Ceremony today but the new guy taking over insisted they had to do PT after the ceremony was is physical training and what this New Guy doesn't get is IT IS HOT OUTSIDE!!!!

Married To The Top

Top that's what some Soldiers in the Army call my husband. My husband is a 1SG in the United States Army and out of his almost 23 years of service I have been a part of 19 of those years. And i'm very proud but it can be crazy at the top of the NCO totem pole...