Monday, August 22, 2011


OK so I was watching that infamous television show "BRIDEZILLAS" last night and I spent the whole time wondering what has happened to Women....and why aren't the men running for their lives?
These women on this show are beyond vulgar, they would put a Sailor to shame with their lewdness and crassness. And why aren't there Grooms running for the hills? Do they think this is going to get better? I just want to scream at the T.V and ask these men is this who you want raising your children? Is this the kind of women who is going to bring honor to you and your family? Is this the kind of women who is going to guard and protect your heart?
 I know your reading this and thinking I'm old fashioned, and that is okay cause the older I get the more I think I get it. It really is okay to be respectful and have values. Women it is okay to be feminine. Women it is a good thing to show your husband that he is respected and honored, it doesn't make him more superior then you, but it does make you more valuable to him and to your family.
I often find myself looking at other wives and I'm thinking one of two things, either that man is very blessed to have this women in his life or I feel sorry for him for having to deal with a wife like that. And you know if I'm thinking it I'm probably not alone.
   I wish I knew why women seem to act more harsh these days and I'm guilty as well, but I wish we would realize that it is beautiful to be a women, that being more gentle in our speech and conduct  does not mean we are weak. That honoring our husbands does not mean we are less then them but that we are equals  and that we will be there to guard their hearts and help them walk through this life as a helper and a blessing.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Great message.

I agree wholeheartedly.